The Future of Decentralized Swag

From the outset, our goal has been to create a new version of community swag that creates designs in a decentralized manner. What does that mean exactly? Well, the Celo Swag Store v2 is almost here, and with it we're launching our NFT voting tool, blending creativity, ownership, and rewards into a one-of-a-kind platform. 

Here's what to expect: 

Our platform is designed to put the power in your hands—literally. If you bought a piece from the Celo Swag Store in v1, you were issued an NFT for each item purchased. Here’s what’s coming your way, for NFT holders and Celo community members alike: 

  • NFT Voting Platform: With your NFT from v1, you'll be able to vote on the designs and swag for v2, including the ability to nominate logos and then vote on the selection and scale. 
  • Are you a brand or designer? You can submit your sticker designs for community voting. If your design wins, it could be featured on future swag.
  • We’re introducing a separate system to create and vote on fully custom sticker designs. Let your imagination run wild, and we’ll bring your vision to life.

We're also introducing a revenue sharing model, where those who submit winning designs get a share of revenue, keyed to their NFT. The more you contribute, the more you can benefit.

We're launching t-shirts for v2, with designs voted on by you. 

For brands and designers looking to secure their placement, we’ve got you covered. Guarantee your design’s inclusion by purchasing a minimum of 50 T-shirts. This option ensures your brand gets the attention it deserves while contributing to the next round of swag. 

We'll be live soon. Thanks for your support:)



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